Feeling Fried From Fraying Garage Door Cables?
Garage door cable repair is one of those painfully obvious repairs. Of course, the cables are important to the overall pulley system that makes up your garage door’s operation! Yet as you live your life, the status of your ever-aging cables tends to get away from you. Fraying, splitting, rusted, or even snapped garage door cables are serious reasons that need our professional attention in Baytown, TX and Houston, TX.
Since your garage door is the largest and heaviest moving system in your home. If your garage door cables are broken, this could ultimately prevent your garage door from opening altogether. We check if they’re misaligned, frayed, or in need of simple maintenance. Learn more about how your cables interact with the rest of your garage door’s operating system, and contact Henderson Garage Door Services today!
Frequently Asked Questions
When do I need garage door cable replacement?
Your garage door system is exposed to inevitable wear and tear. Contact us if you notice these signs that you need garage door cable replacement:
– Your garage door comes up at an angle.
– Your garage door cables are loose or broken.
– Your garage door shakes or squeaks as it operates.
How do garage door cables fall off?
Garage door cables can come off their drums for slack in tension and broken cables. We’ll come out to your home and make sure your garage door cables won’t release overall tension, and restore balance to your garage door system.
Why is my garage door opening and closing at an angle?
A slanted garage door usually signifies something within your operating system is unbalanced or has released an uneven amount of tension. While garage door cables support and help lift your garage door open and close, so do your garage door springs.
Since garage door springs are constantly under an immense amount of tension, they commonly break or wear out if not maintained properly. Call Henderson Garage Door Services for a professional inspection of why your garage door appears slanted.
Garage Door Cable Drum Repair
Your garage door cables are located at the top of your garage door and look like thick, corded wires. The cables within their drums, or the components that reel in the cables, are one of the main moving parts to your garage door. Our technicians are trained to work with any garage door to correctly identify whether your garage door cables have fallen off their drums. Let one of our experts perform cable drum repair for your garage door in or near Baytown, TX and the Houston Metroplex area.
Garage doors and the sum of their parts are held under extreme tension which enable them all to function. Taking into consideration the overall door’s weight, frequency of use, environmental impacts, and many other factors, garage door cables endure a lot! Maintain your overhead door’s overall quality, and our professionals will take care of your garage door cable repair, and so much more!
Additional Components We Consider For Garage Door Cable Repair:
- Lifting cable repair
- Bottom bracket repair
- Wheel bearing repair
- Garage door torsion spring repair
- Cable track repair
- Cable pulley repair
Call Us For Full Garage Door Cable Repair and Support
If you’re unsure if your garage door cables are the culprits, we will inspect the entire garage door system and perform a series of tests to ensure we service the correct repairs. Frayed or snapped cables need professional garage door cable replacement. View our Garage Door Services page for more information on what we offer here at Henderson Garage Door Services in Baytown, TX and Houston, TX.